Robotix Student Executive

Technology Robotix Society, IIT Kharagpur, has long been a frontrunner for robotics in the country. Now, it is reaching out to students all across India, to include them in the fray and further the development of the culture of robotics in the nation. TRS is looking for dynamic individuals to fill the coveted Robotix Student Executive posts and take technical exposure in the country to ever greater heights.

Who is an RSE?

Robotix Student Executives are representatives of Team Robotix among their fellow college-goers in their respective regions. The post has been introduced with a view to increasing and enriching the interaction with the participants for our annual fest ROBOTIX and to spread the culture of robotics throughout the country.

A RSE would have the unique opportunity to be in contact with Team Robotix for any kind of technical and robotics assistance throughout their tenure. They would serve as the point of contact between people of their college and Team Robotix for robotics workshops, tutorials, event queries, and any kind of help required. The tenure of an RSE is of six months and valid till March, 2018. His job profile consists of both technical and managerial tasks where he is presented with an opportunity to learn as well as to help his co students and fellow tech-men along in the journey of robotics.

How to register for RSE?

Interested candidates can fill this form to register.

What does an RSE do?

The job roles of an RSE are varied and interesting. An RSE works in close contact with TRS to perform the following duties.

  • They are responsible for organising robotics workshops and seminars in their respective colleges and cities.
  • They associate with Robotix and publicise and inform the general public about the events conducted at Robotix every year.
  • They link closely with Robotix conducted at IIT Kharagpur during Kshitij every year and play an integral role in its success.

Why become an RSE?

An RSE works in close contact with some of the best roboticists the country has to offer. This, along with the chance to interact with students from colleges all across his city makes a potent combination of incentives for anyone looking to rake himself above his competition.

What are the benefits of being an RSE?

  • Exclusive Robotix Merchandise
  • Certification from Technology Robotix Society
  • Constant contact with robotics experts for any kind of help and advice on robotics.
  • The tag itself, and the reputation that comes with holding such a valued position.