It’s football time and no-one plays soccer better than the engineers, in their own sophisticated way. The knack of fusing technology with sports seems to be an inherent quality among us, and to celebrate this very spirit, we hail this event known as RoboSoccer . All you soccer fans hold your breath, as we present to you soccer with an entirely new dimension. So if you are up for the challenge get your manual soccer playing robots ready in order to compete on the big stage.
Problem Statement
Build a manually controlled robot capable of competing in a one on one game of soccer.
- Each team can consist of a maximum of 3 members.
- Each team should have unique participants i.e. no two teams can have even a single participant common.
- The right spirit of participation is expected from the participants.
- A 220V AC power supply will be provided near the arena.
- A golf ball will be used for the game. The weight of the ball will be 50gm approximately and will have a diameter of 5cm.
- Use of LEGO kits or ready made basis will lead to disqualification.
- The organizers reserve the right to change the rules as they deem fit. Changes in rules, if any will be notified on the website.
- Not more than 2 members from a team can control the bot at any time. One member should always manage the wires.
- The decision of the ROBOTIX team will be final and binding.
- The main goal of a participating bot is to shoot the ball into the opponents goal post.
- The Ball is to be taken across the field only by pushing. It cannot be clamped or lifted in the air.
- At no point of time should the ball be covered by all sides by the participant’s bot or any part of it.
- The robots may not hold the ball while moving. Dribbler mechanisms can be used; however the ball must have at least one direction for free motion.
- Shooting is allowed with any appropriate mechanism.
- The robots can use the side wall for reflecting the ball. It won’t be considered as a foul.
- A participant’s bot is not supposed to interact directly with the opponent’s bot when it is not in possession of the ball. If one of the bot is in possession of the ball, the other can attempt to dispossess it by attacking only the ball.
- Physical interaction between the bots in this process will be tolerated if it is judged that the attacking bot went for the ball.
- If a bot is found to commit a foul (directly hitting/obstructing motion of opponent’s bot), the opponent will be given a free–shot.
- In case of entangling of the wires there can be a restart , with the ball placed at the point where it was before the entangling of the wires, upon the discretion of the referee.
- Damaging the arena in any form will lead to immediate disqualification.
- After every goal being scored the ball would be placed back in the center circle and each bot shall restart from their respective D-lines
- Even own goals are counted.
- As soon as the time elapses the time-limit of 5 minutes a match is over and the bot having maximum number of goals wins.
- In case of a tie at the end of the stipulated time, there will be extra-time. If there is a tie after extra-time, first to score wins.
Robot Specifications
- The size of the robot must be within the size limit- width = 25 cm, length = 25 cm, height = 25 cm.
- For driving mechanism, a maximum of 4 motors can be used. However, additional motors can be used for kicker, striker, dribbler etc.
- The bot can be wired or wireless.
- The controlling wires should be bound into a single strip and long enough (preferably erected upto a certain height so that it does not entangle with the opponent’s wires or robot
- The wires must remain slack throughout the event.
- The total weight of bot should not exceed 3 kgs. The weight of the bot includes the remote control, batteries etc.
For knowing how to make the control box for the robosoccer bot, see this tutorial.
Shreyansh Vats
Jaydeep Godbole
Tanya Sneh