
Could a Robot Deliver Motivational Speeches?


Imagine a day when a form of artificial intelligence could deliver a speech as compelling as one given by a human. A nonprofit organization called XPRIZE, which designs competitions to encourage the development of innovative technology for the benefit of humanity, announced it will award a prize to anyone who can develop an artificial intelli... continue reading

'RoboClam' Digging Machine As Fast as Natural Burrowers


A robot that can dig quickly and deeply into mud or wet sand could one day help lay underwater cables, dig up and detonate underwater mines, or anchor machines to the seafloor, researchers say. The robotic digging machine, dubbed RoboClam, takes cues from the prolific burrowing abilities of the Atlantic razor clam (Ensis directus), a species of... continue reading

DARPA and Drone Cars: How the US Military Spawned Self-Driving Car Revolution


The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the arm of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for advancing military technology, is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the DARPA Grand Challenge, an ambitious, first-of-its-kind race between robotic, self-driving cars. The Grand Challenge, which occurred on March 13, 2004, involv... continue reading

Robotic FIish Swims Like a Real One


Robot fish could one day be enlisted for undercover science missions. A soft-bodied robot that looks and swims like a fish was unveiled by researchers at MIT this week; they say something like it might be able to infiltrate schools of real fish and gather data about their behavior. The autonomous robot swishes side-to-side underwater as differ... continue reading

Robotix 2014 - A Look Back


ROBOTIX 2014, conducted during Kshitij, IIT Kharagpur’s annual technical fest, was a compendium of unique events designed to push the thinking abilities of the participants to a new level altogether! Participation was not just from every nook and corner of India, but our events reached out to nations beyond too. Robotix currently sees the bigg... continue reading

DIY : Build your own Geo Aware robot


[youtube][] Video Sections: 00:38 - Module 1.0 - Overview 03:12 - Module 2.0 - Hardware: A Remote Controlled Robot 16:32 - Module 3.0 - Lane Following 25:14 - Module 3.1 - Shape Detection 30:37 - Module 3.2 - Map Processi... continue reading

Winter Workshop 2013 Report


Annual Winter Workshop # Winter Workshop - Phase I Autonomous Robotics Project 1: LABYRINTH Build a robot that is capable of traversing across a grid and also capable of receiving data from a computer to go to a specific co-ordinate. * __Link to Project Documentation: [Labyrinth]( continue reading

DIY : Build your own Transporter robot


Problem Statement of Transporter: Build an autonomous robot which can traverse a grid and place blocks in voids on the grid such that it optimises its path while completing this task. For more details about the event, refer to our website. As per the Problem Statement, the robot has to guide its locomotion and perform the tasks of Grid follow... continue reading

DIY : Build your own Canyon Rush Robot


Problem Statement Build a manually controlled robot capable of traversing an arena similar to a canyon and save victims stranded at certain depths. For more details on the event refer to our website. Required Material Material Quantity Wheels 6 30 rpm DC motor 2 100 rpm DC motor 4 Axles 2 Springs 2 ... continue reading

DIY : Build your own InspiralOn Robot


Problem Statement Build a manually controlled robot capable of traversing a broken pipe and repairing it on the way, in this case, popping corks plugged in the pipe. For more details on the event refer to our website. Required Material Material Quantity Wheels 3 30 rpm DC motor 1 100 rpm DC motor 4 Castor Whe... continue reading