Intro Workshop 2k16
Once again the society considered as the heart and soul for all the numerous worth praising Robotix related initiatives of KGP came up with its encouraging and enthusiastic introductory seminar to spread the ever increasing Robotics temperament among the very excited UG freshers who turned out as ever, in great numbers, occupying every single co... continue reading
Living Robotix 2016- ‘Memoir inoubliable!’
21st January 2016 - A Red Letter Day for all the technocrats eagerly waiting for some dynamic events in the world of robotics.Precisely,it was the day when curtains were raised for the annual Technomanagement fest Kshitij 2016 and along with it was launched the 16th edition of the annual robotics charade ,ROBOTIX 2016!! Over the years, the po... continue reading
Decoding the event Sherlock
Well it’s good to see that you’ve decided to participate in Robotix 2016. Let’s get you through the event in a few easy steps through this easy to follow DIY. The Sherlock robot is a basic differential drive chassis with a few sensors aboard. The two primary sensors are the HMC5883L magnetic digital compass that can be interfaced with the hel... continue reading
10 things to look out for in Robotix 2016
With less than a month left for the annual Robotix festival, Team Robotix presents to you 10 things to keep yourself prepared and updated with Robotix 2016. New and exciting events This year we present to you 5 events with all unique and exciting problem statements. This Robotix edition will see one of its kind Manual, Autonomous, Semi Auto... continue reading
Ticket to Robotix 2016
ROBOTIX 2016 | KSHITIJ | IIT KHARAGPUR Technology Robotix Society presents ROBOTIX 2016, its annual technological extravaganza, to be held during 21st - 24th January, 2016 as a part of Kshitij, the annual Techno-Management Fest of IIT Kharagpur. Official website: To participate register at Registration procedur... continue reading
Registrations Now Open for Robotix 2016!
For all the events of Robotix 2016, visit our Events page NOTE: All Team members are required to register at the Kshitij website before team formation. One of the team members should act as captain and invite all other members to his team from the Team Management section as explained below. The other members should accept the invitation to join... continue reading
Introductory Freshers' Workshop-2015
Continuing the tradition of the society, Technology Robotix Society once again organized the introductory seminar for enthusiastic UG freshers who turned out as ever, in great numbers, occupying every single corner of Kalidas Auditorium to behold the preview for the exciting year TRS already planned to go through. The workshop began with a look... continue reading
New control algorithm lets quadcopters keep flying on three or less propellers
Whether it’s for Amazon-purchased goods, text books or defibrillators, unmanned multicopters are increasingly being considered for use as delivery vehicles. Given that this would involve their flying over heavily-populated areas, however, many people are rightly concerned about the aircraft malfunctioning and crashing down onto someone below. Th... continue reading
Robotic Eels on Jupiter's Moon of Europa Harvest Electricity
Sometimes, headlines just write themselves. And in this particular case, there’s so much cool stuff going on with this NASA-funded robotic project that we couldn’t even stuff it all in to a single line. It’s a concept for a soft robotic eel designed to explore the oceans of Europa (a moon of Jupiter), which is able to scavenge electrical energ... continue reading
A journey called Robotix 2015
January 29th, 2015. After a year full of workshops, publicity, tutorials, the time for the finale had arrived. The annual techno-management fest, Kshitij 2015 was just about to unfold and with it the presence of the 15th edition of the annual robotics extravaganza, Robotix 2015, was palpable like a scent in the air. The fest has accumulated fam... continue reading