Technology Robotix Society, IIT Kharagpur, has always endeavoured to not just encourage students to actively pursue robotics as a hobby and beyond, but also empower them to do the same. That is why so many of our workshops inside and outside campus involve direct hands-on involvement and exposure to working with robots. Keeping this vision in mi... continue reading
Robot Rolls Like Hoop Snake
A legendary hoop snake capable of gripping its own tail and rolling like a wheel has never proven more than a myth, but a new robot could mimic the supposed creature’s ability to both crawl and roll around. The self-rolling robot is the brainchild of Toby Baumgartner, a robotics engineer based in Columbus, Ohio. His segmented “Troller 1D” robot ... continue reading
Robotix Student Executives
With a view to increasing and enriching the interaction with the participants for our annual fest ROBOTIX, last year, we introduced the post of Robotix Student Executive (RSE) for students of other colleges, to represent Team Robotix among their fellow college-goers. RSE’s are responsible for being our point of contact with the particular co... continue reading
ROBOTIX 2012- An Unforgettable Journey
The 2012 edition of our annual technological fest, held during the extravaganza that is Kshitij, was a resounding success, with several hundreds of teams from across the country and beyond, turning up to tackle our challenging and innovative problem statements. As is our tradition, there were manual, autonomous and image processing events to t... continue reading
Realm of the Robots!
[caption id=”attachment_194” align=”alignleft” width=”300” caption=”Indian Express”][/caption] In the run – up to the annual fiesta that is Robotix held at Kshitij, Technology Robotix Society has lined up a series of events, workshops and exhibitions at various locations in the country. With the team spreading out to all corners of India, vast... continue reading
Machines At Work
The “Robotization” of Industrial Processes by Samarth Mahajan, Head, Technology Robotix Society, 2011-12 Robots have come a long way - from just manual puppets to entities with microCs coded to process input aspiring towards a brain , to attaining an allmost human like form a.k.a “humanoids”. As we have seen through the ages, dating right b... continue reading
Bangalore Workshop
Being the first of its kind in Bangalore, this year an introductory workshop about the working of a Line Following robot was conducted at the M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology on the 8th of October. In addition the Robotix 2012 events were also publicized and the audience responded enthusiastically to this opportunity to display their Rob... continue reading
Romancing Python : Part 4
About C++ : Almost everything said for Java also applies for C++, just more so: where Python code is typically 3-5 times shorter than equivalent Java code, it is often 5-10 times shorter than equivalent C++ code! Anecdotal evidence suggests that one Python programmer can finish in two months what two C++ programmers can’t complete in a year. Pyt... continue reading
Romancing Python : Part 3
In this not very long post, lets see how Python, Javascript and Perl compare. Python’s “object-based” subset is roughly equivalent to JavaScript. Like JavaScript (and unlike Java), Python supports a programming style that uses simple functions and variables without engaging in class definitions. However, for JavaScript, that’s all there is. Pyt... continue reading
Romancing Python : Part 2
In this and a series of following articles, we take you through brief comparisons between programming languages concentrate on language issues only so you can figure out which one is best for your use. In practice, the choice of a programming language is often dictated by other real-world constraints such as cost, availability, training, and pri... continue reading