DASH Roachbot Learns Acrobatic Flips from Real Cockroach
DASH, UC Berkeley’s 10-centimeter long, 16-gram Dynamic Autonomous Sprawled Hexapod, has learned a new trick: the robot can now perform “rapid inversion” maneuvers, dashing up to a ledge and then swinging itself around to end up underneath the ledge and upside-down. This replicates behaviors in cockroaches and geckos, and may lead to a new gen... continue reading
How Robonaut's Compliant Arms Work
Robonaut’s dexterous hands rely on tendon-driven fingers to grasp objects much like our own hands do. You probably noticed that the robot has a perfectly toned upper body with brawny biceps and six-pack abs. But if you’re working alongside this burly bot (hello ISS crew!), fear not: Robonaut has fully compliant arms and even a built-in emergen... continue reading
Custom Japanese Hobby Robot Somersaults with Servo Tentacles
Straight from Japan comes this robot called “Metallic Vaio 2012,” which has a style of locomotion that we’ve never seen before. Instead of using arms or legs, it’s got a sort of combination of both: two long tentacles made out of chains of servos that it uses to crawl around and rapidly somersault from place to place. This robot was built (or... continue reading
This Robot Can Somehow Jump on Water
The crazier parts of the scientific community have long declared anything that can walk on water to be possessed by black magic, lizards and bugs included. But black magic or no, roboticists at the Harbin Institute of Technology in China have managed to make it work on a robotic insect that, in addition to walking on water, can also_jump_. Mo... continue reading
Autonomous robot scans ship hulls for mines
Algorithms enable robot to navigate and view propellers and other complex structures. For years, the U.S. Navy has employed human divers, equipped with sonar cameras, to search for underwater mines attached to ship hulls. The Navy has also trained dolphins and sea lions to search for bombs on and around vessels. While animals can cover a larg... continue reading
Workshop and Exhibition at Ranchi Science Centre
Technology Robotix Society held a workshop-cum exhibition at the Ranchi Science Centre on 4th March, which was the first such event for Ranchi. In it, we were able to showcase the various domains that we are currently exploring in the field of robotics. The event was extensively publicised and covered by local newspapers, as well as mentioned in... continue reading
Robotic Staff in Chinese Restaurant
They say robots will one day serve mankind - in which case you can consider this an entrée. For if you pay a visit to this restaurant, in downtown Harbin, China, you will find 18 robots - from a waitress to a cooker to an usher - ready to ensure your dining experience is perfect. The restaurant has 18 types of robots, each gliding out of the k... continue reading
A Robot with Conscience
Spain has designed the world’s first robot with its own “conscience” and “life”, which will “entertain, teach and be a companion” to humans who purchase it. The AISoy 1 is the first social android developed by Spanish firm AISoy Robotics, which is now bringing its creation out of the laboratory. Diego Garcia, one of the “fathers” of the robot... continue reading
Magnetic bacteria create a Biological Hard Drive
COMPUTER virus destroyed your hard drive? Don’t worry, some day bacteria might build you a bigger and better one. Hard drives store data on discs coated with a metallic film divided into tiny magnetic regions, each of which stores a single bit - the more regions you can squeeze on to a disc, the bigger the capacity. Now, a team at the Univers... continue reading
Robotix Workshop-BCET Durgapur
There is nothing quite like helping someone to make their first robot, and observing their jubilation when it is pulled off without many glitches. Some of us had that experience at the hands-on workshop we organized at the Bengal College of Engineering and Technology, Durgapur, on the 7th and the 8th of April. Over that weekend, we oversaw the s... continue reading